Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy List

Ok, I am staring at the screen waiting for some topic to pop into my mind... Since nothing seems to be happening I'll just make a list. Not very enlightening, but oh well.

Things that make me happy: (not in any particular order)
--people (with the exception of the stupid ones)
--fresh sheets
--the lake (eufaula, of course)
--good hair days
--good conversation

Just a few of the things that make me happy. I'm off to school now!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


In light of recent events in the media, I would like to question our legal system.
Why do criminals have so many rights? Why do we bargain with them?
When someone strategically kidnaps and brutally kills another person, their rights should end right there! There should be no "bargaining" with a killer! I just don't get it....

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Random thoughts

Life goes on...As you can tell it has been quite a while since I contributed anything to this blog. And ironically, as I read through my last post, these are the same feelings and sentiments that I am experiencing right now.
My life isn't quite as simple as it was a year ago. Since then I got the bright idea to jump back into school. Yep, a college freshman at 33 years old. Yep, the old lady in class. But I have enjoyed the challenge so far and even ended up with all A's in my first semester!
My oldest son will turn 15 on Thursday which means he will be getting his driving permit. Yet another chapter in our lives...
Well, just a random post. Maybe I'll get better at blogging this year!